A Cup of Coffee with your loved ones

A Cup of Coffee with your loved ones

Coffee drinking is more than a health move or a morning ritual- it’s a social thing. Coffee brings people together families at the breakfast table or neighbours over a morning cuppa. Coffee being naturally friendly, there’s no secret why the term coffee klatch came into existence.

During the numerous phased revoking of lockdowns, lot of festivals are lined up in the month of August and beyond. Keeping social distancing norms in mind, plan a coffee get-together with your family, friends or near n’ dear one’s. Think about the socialness of coffee. Invite your near and dear ones to chat over a freshly brewed pot of coffee. With our busy lives we are forgetting all about connecting on a human-to-human level with those around us in the real world. With gloom and despair all around, these get-togethers can help in rekindling health and happiness amongst our loved one’s.

Connect with family members, catch up on gossip, share anecdotes, update personal milestones or just relax and enjoy the company of your family n’ friends over a steaming pot of filter coffee.

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